
Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Seperti apa sih peluncuran buku Crooked Kingdom di negara asalnya? Tonton saja videonya. Sumber: Youtube Channel jessethereader #CrookedKingdom #LeighBardugo #Fiksi #Novel #Grishaverse #PenerbitPop...View More
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Crooked Kingdom
Crooked Kingdom is an ambitious novel. It’s ambitious in what it strives to make look effortless: a large cast, a complex narrative, an emotional payoff worthy of everything that’s gone before. https...View More
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Crooked Kingdom
Penasaran buku ini bakal sesuai sama kamu atau enggak? Baca sekilas buku ini secara gratis di Icip-icip buku: https://siapabilang.com/document/69/icip-icip-buku-crooked-kingdom/ #IcipicipBukuKPG #Cr...View More
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Leigh Bardugo
Leigh Bardugo
#BeritaBukuKPG 10 fakta unik tentang Leigh Bardugo, pengarang jagat Grisha bisa kamu simak di tautan berikut: https://www.tvovermind.com/leigh-bardugo/ #PenulisKPG #leighBardugo #SixofCrows #Crooke...View More
Leigh Bardugo
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