
Hierofani: Arca Air Batu
Novel berjudul Hierofani, karya Krisbudiman yang diterbitkan Kepustakan Populer Gramedia (KPG), akan dibacakan di Sastra Bulan Purnama, Sabtu, 20 Juli 2024, pkl 15.30. Acara berlangsung di Museum San...View More
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Jesse Pinkman
I’ve fallen in love with Hierofani and its beautifully crafted narrative. Krisbudiman's novel is a literary gem that offers both depth and intrigue, making it a delightful read that I’m eager to explore further during the reading event. https://slope-game.org
da Lucin
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Hierofani: Arca Air Batu
Kali ini pembacaan fragmen novel berjudul Hierofani, para pembaca tidak maju satu demi satu secara bergantian untuk membaca fragmen yang sudah dipilih, melainkan para pembaca semua maju di depan, bisa...View More
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