Laut Bercerita
on December 5, 2021 2,502 views
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"Laut Bercerita" merupakan sebuah film pendek dari Pritagita Arianegara (sutradara Salawaku [2016]), diadaptasi dari novel milik Leila S. Chudori berjudul sama. Berkisah mengenai Laut (Reza Rahadian), seorang aktivis '98 yang diculik oleh orang-orang tak dikenal di masa itu.
Kali ini, Third Eye Space ikut berkontribusi dalam film ini sebagai divisi behind the scene dan still photography. Video ini berisi latar dibalik dibuatnya film ini, karakter di dalamnya dan berbagai harapan setelah adanya film ini.
Reza Rahadian, Ayushita Nugraha, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Tio Pakusadewo, Aryani Willems, Tanta Ginting, Haydar Salishz, Ade Firman Hakim, Lukman Sardi, Adjie N. A.
Sutradara: Pritagita Arianegara
Penulis: Leila S. Chudori
Produser: Wisnu Darmawan & Gita Fara
DOP: Batara Goempar
Produksi: Cineria Films & Dian Sastrowardoyo Foundation
Behind The Scene
Creative Director: Anton Ismael
Cameraman & Editor: Abu Abdul Razzaq
Still Photographer: Reza Daud
Third Eye Space is a creative commercial space with variety of photography services, established in 2005 by Anton Ismael.
Today, Third Eye Space is a great idea if you need a variety of photography services from studio rental, photographer management, commercial photo & video production, digital Imaging Studio and even a free photography school (Kelas Pagi).
Third Eye Space Youtube channel was here to inform and discuss what's hot and new not just photography industry, but the whole creative industry fields. We share our insight in this YouTube channel.
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