#88LOVELIFE has always been a delightful series that never fails to make its readers smile. In this third volume, the author takes us for a trip to reality where dreams and passion meets priorities, causing dilemmas and the need to make big adjustments in life.
Extremely heartwarming and relevant to our daily struggles, this book will definitely change your perspective towards life. Not to forget, this book is filled with illustrations that will certainly cheer up your day and become a good addition to your social media feed.
Spesifikasi Produk
Penulis: Diana Rikasari
Ilustrator: Dinda Puspitasari
Editor: Anida
Kategori: Nonfiksi, Lifestyle, Self Improvement
Terbit: 9 Maret 2017
Harga: Rp 120.000
Tebal: 144 halaman
Ukuran: 120 mm x 180 mm
Sampul: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-602-424-292-3
ID KPG: 591701315
Bahasa: Inggris
Usia: 13+
Bonus: Stiker
Penerbit: POP
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