Who Wants to be A Rational Investor
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Menurut Jeremy Siegel, pakar keuangan Wharton School, 75 persen dari pergerakan harga di bursa saham tidak diketahui penyebabnya. Karena manusia bukan komputer, ada kemungkinan bahwa faktor psikologi,...View More
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The sociocultural environment in which investors find themselves can also influence how they invest and react to market information. https://blockblastonline.com
- December 4, 2024
"Who Wants to be A Rational Investor" berisi kumpulan artikel yang dimuat di harian Kontan. Isinya berkisar di hal-hal seputar pasar modal: prinsip dasar investasi, mitos pembelian atau penjualan saha...View More
Who Wants To Be a Rational Investor? (Lukas Setia Atmaja) - rheza ardiansyah
Listen to this episode from rheza ardiansyah on Spotify. Buku ini berisi kumpulan artikel yang dimuat di harian Kontan. Isinya berkisar di hal-hal seputar pasar modal: prinsip dasar investasi, mitos p