This journal will guide you to find the right stars to dreams,
navigate its light through the night,
catch them with your hands, and more.
It’s time for you to start.
We’re here for you.
Spesifikasi Produk
Penulis: Helena Natasha
Editor: Gabby
Ilustrator: Eleonore Grace
Kategori: Nonfiksi, Journal, Self-Improvement
Terbit: 17 Desember 2018
Harga: Rp 135.000
Tebal: 256 halaman
Ukuran: 120 mm x 165 mm
Sampul: Hardcover
ISBN: 9786024810764
ID KPG: 591801585
Bahasa: Inggris
Usia: SU
Bonus: Pembatas Buku
Penerbit: POP

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