

Thanks to the COVID-19 lockdown, Pat Walsh has re-discovered the street in Melbourne where he’s lived for forty years. Sondering like a teddy bear, he’s been treated to glimpses into lives, vivid and complex like his own, that have scrolled past on the screen of his front window. His appreciation is a mix of history, anecdote and whimsy, both serious and playful in tone and laced with humour. COVID-affected, he reveals that he innocently imported a Russian virus to Northcote. But then comforts readers by morphing into the sun that, Dylan Thomas style, sends a blessing to his street and its doomed but iconic gum trees. 

Spesifikasi Produk

Penulis: Pat Walsh
Editor: Ining Isaiyas
Kategori: NonfiksiSosial Budaya
Terbit: 21 Oktober 2020
Harga: Rp90.000 (E-book: Rp84.700)
Tebal: 240 halaman
Ukuran: 135 mm x 200 mm
Sampul: Softcover
ISBN: 9786024814854
ID KPG: 592001852
Usia: 15+
Bahasa: Indonesia
Penerbit: KPG

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#AWindowonOurStreet #PatWalsh #Nonfiksi #Culture #PenerbitKPG