One man.
One woman.
Their feelings intertwined.
Their hearts beat apart.
“Meeting her was a memorable accident. And you were the collateral damage.” — M
“You will always be a concept I could never unravel.” — F
Beats Apart is a fiction of two people going through both pain and pleasure of loving. It started as an experimental project, which was written without a plot and lasted for one month. Alanda Kariza wrote in F’s point of view, while Kevin Aditya spoke on behalf of M. Each writer alternately posted one part of their story every other day on a blog in 2012. The writings are now ready for you to enjoy, in this book stunningly designed by Astranya Paramarta.
Will there ever be someone who stays a heartbeat away from you?
Spesifikasi Produk
Penulis: Alanda Kariza & Kevin Aditya
Perancang grafis: Astranya Paramarta
Editor: Anida
Kategori: Fiksi, Novel
Terbit: 26 Juli 2018
Harga: Rp 75.000
Tebal: 296 halaman
Ukuran: 130 mm x 170 mm
Sampul: Softcover
ISBN: 9786024248000
ID KPG: 591801486
Bahasa: Inggris
Usia: 15+
Bonus: Pembatas buku
Penerbit: POP
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