28 Tahun KPG
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Spesial HUT Ke-26 Penerbit Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia: Bertemu di Buku | Book of the Week
#SpesialHUTKe26 #PenerbitKepustakaanPopulerGramedia #BertemuDiBuku #BookOfTheWeek #smartfm959 #smartfm #smartfmnetwork #kgradionet Broadcasting [LIVE] on : SMARTFM Jakarta 95.9 , Makassar 101.1, Banjarmasin 101.1, Balikpapan 97.8, Palembang 101.8, Pekanbaru 101.8, Manado 101.2, Yogyakarta 102.1, Medan 101.8, Surabaya 107.3, Indovision ch.507 ================================== Akses lewat Radio dan tape mobil pada gelombang 95.9 FM Streaming Smart FM: http://www.radiosmartfm.com JOOX Smart Jakarta 959 FM: https://www.joox.com/id/radio/live/61b3251b265fe63e7b3b893f ================================== Untuk Berlangganan/Subscribe for free (100%): Channel Youtube Smart FM : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfijLkpA6MVOyZZd6wsvEjg ================================== Follow us : Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/radiosmartfm Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/radiosmartfm Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/radiosmartfm959
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