Komunitas Science Underground
Komunitas Science Underground. 13 members. Di grup ini Anda bisa mendapatkan informasi terbaru tentang Science Underground, mengunduh makalah tahun 2019, dan mendapatkan konten terkurasi yang berkaita
Source : Youtube Channel The Royal Institution
Jared Diamond - What can we learn from traditional societies?
Pulitzer Prize-winner Jared Diamond takes you on an epic journey into our rapidly recedin...View MoreSource : Youtube Channel The Royal Institution
Jared Diamond - What can we learn from traditional societies?
Pulitzer Prize-winner Jared Diamond takes you on an epic journey into our rapidly receding past, opening a window on tribal societies and how they can provide unique, often overlooked insights into human nature.
Jared's book "The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies?" is available to buy now - https://geni.us/34v5Jf0
This Ri event, titled "The world until yesterday', took place on 1 October 2013.
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The World Until Yesterday
Judul : The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? Pengarang: Jared Diamond Penerbit: Viking Tahun : 201...
Artikel dari blog tripandread.com
Review Buku : The World Until Yesterday (Part 1) - Jared Diamond
Source : Youtube Video UC Berkeley Events
Jared Diamond: The World Until Yesterday
The Horace Albright Lecture in Conservation: Spring 2014
Jared Diamond, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Guns, Ger...View MoreSource : Youtube Video UC Berkeley Events
Jared Diamond: The World Until Yesterday
The Horace Albright Lecture in Conservation: Spring 2014
Jared Diamond, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, and UCLA professor, talks about his latest book and what we can learn from traditional societies.
Sponsored by UC Berkeley College of Natural Resources http://nature.berkeley.edu/albright in conjunction with the Master of Development Practice http://mdp.berkeley.edu, and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management's 20th Anniversary
The World Until Yesterday Karya Jared Diamond Membius Pembaca
THETIMESPOS.COM ---Buku yang sangat menarik dan memberi pencerahan bagi pembaca serta membawa kita dari masa lalu dan perbedaan dunia sekara...
[Book Review] The World Until Yesterday
Penulis: Jared Diamond Penerjemah: Damaring Tyas Wulandari Palar Tahun Terbit: Juni, 2015 Penerbit: KPG Halaman: x+604 Mempelajari masyrakat tradisional membantu kita menghargai sejumlah keunggulah ma
Pemenang Pulitzer: Indonesia Akan Musnah
Jared Mason Diamond (lahir 10 September 1937) adalah ilmuwan dan pengarang Amerika Serikat yang dikenal karena menulis buku The Third Chimpanzee (1991
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