What I Wish I Had Known
on February 15, 2021
Ever since her acceptance letter to study abroad arrived at her inbox, nothing in Marcella Purnama’s life has gone according to plan. But as she traveled thousands miles away, struggled with English, had her first byline and went back home to apply for her first job, Marcella realized that plans are meant to be changed. Full of relatable tales of horrific group work, falling in love, first job interview and quarter-life crisis, this illuminating account follows how a young adult grapples with life’s small and big questions, and the lessons learned along the way. Read the free sample in icip-icip buku.
#IcipicipBuku #IcipicipBukuKPG #WhatIWishIHadKnown #MarcellaPurnama #NonFiksi #SelfImprovement #PenerbitKPG
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