Have you ever been in a situation where you thought something could happen?
Have you ever felt as if things fell into place that the word ‘forever’ slipped out easily?
Have you ever wished for a do-ever?
You have? Perhaps this book is made for you.
Spesifikasi Produk
Penulis: Firnita
Editor: Gabby
Kategori: Fiksi, Kumpulan Cerpen
Terbit: 9 Maret 2020
Harga: Rp 90.000
Tebal: 150 halaman
Ukuran: 120 mm x 165 mm
Sampul: Hardcover
ISBN: 9786024813413
ID KPG: 592001769
Usia: 15+
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: POP
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