The Power of Habit
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"Dalam merubah kebiasaan, penting bagi kita untuk mempelajari masa lalu dari perilaku yang ingin kita ubah dan alasan untuk mendapatkan kebiasaan baru. Beberapa orang yang berhasil menjawab atau menge...View More
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The Power of Habit
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Satu makalah yang diterbitkan seorang peneliti dari Duke University pada 2006 menemukan bahwa 40% lebih tindakan yang dilakukan orang setiap hari bukanlah keputusan sungguhan, melainkan kebiasaan.
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Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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In this ingenious talk, Pulitzer Prize winning writer Charles Duhigg seamlessly combines informational facts from research, anecdotes from real events, and personal experience with insightful observat...View More
The Power of Habit: Charles Duhigg at TEDxTeachersCollege
In this ingenious talk, Pulitzer Prize winning writer Charles Duhigg seamlessly combines informational facts from research, anecdotes from real events, and personal experience with insightful observations to explain why human behaviors are compelled by habit. Citing research evidence supporting the positive effects of willpower on long-term decision-making, Duhigg encourages listeners to teach willpower by supporting the mindful contemplation of consequences and resisting impulses that otherwise result in persistent habits.
Charles Duhigg is a renowned author and business reporter for The New York Times, where he has made numerous contributions. Mr. Duhigg is the author of "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life", recognized as one of the best books of 2012 by The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times.
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The Power of Habit
The Power of Habit. 3 likes. SinopsisDari bangun sampai tidur, ketika berjalan, bekerja, makan, bersantai, hidup kita tak lepas dari kebiasaan. Organisasi dan perusahaan pun memiliki kebiasaan. Keb