
Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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Trisurya (The Three-Body Problem)
Intrigued by the universe’s mysteries? We've got a book rec for you: “The Three-Body Problem”. Download a free audiobook version of the Hugo Award-winning science fiction epic here: https://www.audibl...View More
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Trisurya (The Three-Body Problem)
"Trisurya" karya Liu Cixin dibuka dengan suasana mencekam, ketika Revolusi Kebudayaan berkobar di Tiongkok sekira 1966-1976. Sejumlah ilmuwan yang mengajarkan penemuan barat diburu, ditangkap, dihakim...View More
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Belantara (The Dark Forest)
Sesudah mengetahui keberadaan Bumi, peradaban Trisurya mengirimkan armada penyerbu, dan pengintai berupa proton cerdas—sofon—yang bisa mengetahui semua informasi di Bumi kecuali apa yang ada di dalam ...View More
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Trisurya (The Three-Body Problem)
"Novel fiksi sains karya Liu Cixin ini memberikan gambaran baru dan mengajak pembaca, mengenal ilmu fisika dengan bahasa yang ringan sehingga dapat dimengerti orang yang awam ilmu tersebut. Mengambil ...View More
Trisurya (The Three-Body Problem)
There have already been a couple of efforts to adapt The Three-Body Problem for film. A Chinese production company filmed an adaptation of the novel back in 2015, but that project has since sat on a s...View More
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