Novel kedua Arundhati Roy, "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" menampilkan panorama persoalan yang lebih luas lagi--pertanyaan tentang gender yang selalu dianggap binari, kasta, dan perang agama--menja...View More
Coming Home with Leila Chudori-Petty F Fatimah: Membaca Arundhati, Memahami Anjum Halaman all. - Kompas.com
Dalam podcast Coming Home with Leila S Chudori, Petty Fatimah mengupas novel karya Arundhati Roy berjudul 'The Ministry of Utmost Hapiness'. Halaman all.
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Roy comes to CHF to discuss her richly moving second novel, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, which transports us across a subcontinent on a journey of many years. Humane and sensuous, beautifully tol...View More
Arundhati Roy: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
When Arundhati Roy’s debut novel, The God of Small Things, was published in 1997, it was awarded the prestigious Booker Prize, became an international bestseller, and is now considered a classic of modern literature. Roy comes to CHF to discuss her richly moving second novel, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, which transports us across a subcontinent on a journey of many years. Humane and sensuous, beautifully told, this extraordinary novel demonstrates on every page the miracle of Arundhati Roy’s storytelling gifts.
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