The Art of the Good Life
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Dobelli banyak memakai teori Kahneman-Tversky dalam paparannya tentang 99 sesat pikir dan filosofi hidup klasik abad 21. (Minggu, 22/03/2020)
https://edukasi.kompas.com/read/2020/03/22/195935671/buku...View More
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The Art of the Good Life
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Ada 52 filosofi hidup klasik abad ke-21 dalam buku “The Art of the Good Life” karya Rolf Dobelli. Baca sekilas buku ini secara gratis di icip-icip buku.
https://siapabilang.com/document/47/icip-icip...View More
Rolf is a writer, novelist and entrepreneur. He has an MBA and a PhD in economic philosophy from the University of St. Gallen, and wrote six fiction books before his non-fiction The Art of Thinking Cl...View More
Rolf Dobelli: ‘People will say about you what they want. Treat it as white noise.’
More than a principle or a rule, we need a whole mental toolkit to help us understand the world and live a better life. That’s a key idea behind Rolf Dobelli’s new book, in which he sha…
The Art of the Good Life
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Relive the keynote session of our first keynote speaker Rolf Dobelli and discover how to lead the good life!
Sumber: Youtube Channel IMD business school
#TheArtoftheGoodLife #RolfDobelli
Rolf Dobelli, The Art of the Good Life
Relive the keynote session of our first keynote speaker Rolf Dobelli and discover how to lead the good life!