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Abridged Classic Series: The Secret Garden
This wonderful tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. Get your free sample here. More
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Abridged Classic Series: The Secret Garden
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When Mary is sent to live in a Gloomy house in England, she feels very lonely
But then she finds the key to the lost garden and makes a new friend, Dickon. Can the magical garden help her cousin Colin, too?
This wonderful tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. 

Spesifikasi Produk

Penulis: Frances Hodgson Burnett (retold by Annabel Savery)
Ilustrator: Mel Howells
Editor: Anida Nurrahmi
Kategori: Nonfiksi, Buku Anak
Terbit: 16 Desember 2019
Harga: Rp79.000
Tebal: 72 halaman
Ukuran: 130 mm x 195 mm
Sampul: Hardcover
ISBN: 9786024813000
ID KPG: 591901736
Usia: SU
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: KPG

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