Islam, Otoritarianisme, dan Ketertinggalan
on October 21, 2021 225 views
Membaca Indonesia Kontemporer (MIKo), The Sixth Discussion Series
Islam Democracy and The Pandemic
In his recently published book Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevolopment (2019), Ahmet T. Kuru argued that the rise and fall of civilizations are shaped by the driving force and containment of intellectuals and the bourgeoisie. He linked, in different historical situatedness across distinctive civilizations, the alliance between factions within the elite and military with the role of the church and clerics in broader political and social changes.
How can we reflect on these arguments in relation to Indonesia’s democratic developments?
Prof. Ahmet Kuru, Porteus Professor, San Diego State University and Visiting Professor at Faculty of Social Sciences, the Indonesian International Islamic University would discuss that issue with our co-host Dr. Inaya Rakhmani, Director of The Asia Research Centre, Universitas Indonesia.
The discussion was held on Saturday, 16th of October, 2021 at 09.00-11.00 Western Indonesia Times or Friday, 15th of October at 7-9 pm Pacific Day Time.
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