Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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Smath Henry
I'm hooked on this game! It's so much fun and full of unexpected moments.
Star Jeffree
His life and work were a blend of political pragmatism, literary innovation, and profound love for his country, marking him as one of Indonesia's foremost statesmen and cultural figures.
Annata Evan
A multiplayer casual fishing game that blends leisure and social interaction is called webfishing. Players take control of customized animal avatars, including dogs or cats, on an island with several types of water.
Nadia Moore
MUMAMMAD YAMIN truly embodies the complex journey of an influential political figure and literary pioneer.
Seri Tempo: Muhammad Yamin, Penggagas Indonesia Dihujat & Dipuji
Ulasan lain tentang buku "Seri TEMPO: Muhammad Yamin, Penggagas Indonesia yang Dihujat & Dipuji" tersedia di Goodreads. #ResensiBuku #Rese...View More
Seri Tempo: Muhammad Yamin, Penggagas Indonesia Dihujat & Dipuji
Muhammad Yamin menulis ribuan halaman tentang tata negara Majapahit. Sumbangan yang sangat berarti, tetapi dikritik banyak arkeolog. Mengapa? More
Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Muhammad Yamin merupakan pemimpin Jong Sumatranen Bond yang aktif mengemukakan gagasan tentang persatuan Indonesia. Muhammad Yamin juga dikenal sebagai sarjana hukum yang diakui masyarakat sebagai seo...View More
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Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Dalam buku ini diulas mengenai kehidupan M.Yamin sedari kecil di tanah minang, perpindahannya ke Jawa untuk mengejar sekolah, karir organisasi hingga politik, kehidupan keluarga, proses perumusan UUD ...View More
Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
M. Yamin dikenal sebagai seorang sarjana hukum, sastrawan, tokoh politik, dan penggiat sejarah Indonesia. Salah seorang tokoh yang merumuskan ketiga butir Sumpah Pemuda, yakni "Bertanah Air, Berbangsa...View More
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Madam Sara
I believe that with the information you share, it will bring a lot of value to the readers and I hope that they will absorb the good and useful things.
Asirei Nonalodia
The way the content is delivered is really good and practical. Can watch again and study more. Explore more great programs
ht hovaten.
M. Yamin's remarkable contributions to Indonesian history, especially with the Sumpah Pemuda, resonate deeply today. It's intriguing to think about how his ideals of unity can be reflected in modern platforms like BitLife, where players navigate life choices that can shape their own 'nations.' Perha...View More
Madam Sara
PolyTrack is an arcade-style racing game where the player controls a car through a track filled with obstacles, ramps, and loops. The goal of the game is to complete the track as quickly as possible and beat the times of other players.
Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Menggagas konsep Sumpah Pemuda, Yamin terlibat aktif dalam Kongres Pemuda I (30 April- 2 Mei 1926). Dalam pertemuan pertama itu pun ia mengusulkan penggunaan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa persatuan. Ya...View More
Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
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