by on September 8, 2020
ANDIKA FM, Kediri- Kota Kediri tak hanya dikenal sebagai kota tahu tetapi juga dikenal sebagai kota religi atau kota santri. Banyak pondok pesantren yang tersebar di wilayah Kediri baik  yang kecil yang santrinya hanya ratusan maupun yang besar yang santrinya mencapai ribuan. Beberapa diantaranya sudah terkenal se-antero Indonesia seperti Ponpes Hidayatul Mubtadiin atau yang dikenal dengan Ponpes Lirboyo, kemudian Ponpes  LDII, juga Ponpes Kedung Lo pusat pengamalan Sholawat Wahidiyah. ...
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by on September 8, 2020
Dahulu kala, pada zaman penjajahan Belanda. Masyarakat Kediri hidup dalam kemiskinan dan ketertindasan. Perekonomian dikuasai oleh Belanda dan diperlakukan pajak yang tidak masuk akal. Hasil buminya selalu dirampas jika tidak mau bayar pajak . Untuk makan saja mereka harus membeli kepada Belanda. Padahal itu hasil jerih payah mereka sendiri. Hal ini menggugah hati Ki Boncolono. Dia marah melihat kelakuan para meneer, ketidakadilan telah mengusik hati Ki Boncolono. Dengan kesaktiannya dibantu ole...
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by on September 4, 2020
Sunan Kalijågå, Java’s most popular saint (see Bandit Saints of Java chapter one), is said to have inaugurated the annual Sekaten celebrations in Demak as a way of attracting people to Islam. Sekaten continues to be celebrated every year in the alun-alun square in front of the Grand Mosque of Demak and in the alun-alun squares of Surakarta (Solo) and Yogyakarta. Sekaten is a popular annual tradition in Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The month-long tradition that commemorates Maulid Nabi Muhamm...
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by on September 4, 2020
The tomb of Ki Ageng Gribig in Jatinom, near Klaten, Central Java, hosts the biggest rebutan event on Java’s calendar of pilgrimage rituals. Many thousands of visitors converge on the site to snap up apem cakes that are consecrated and scattered into the crowd to be fought over. The rite is called Yaqowiyu, Sebar Apem, or Apeman.   A gunungan of around 6 tons of apem was paraded during the Yaqowiyu ritual. (JP/Ganug Nugroho Adi) A ritual called sebar apem (Yaqowiyu) was celebrat...
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by on September 4, 2020
No fewer than eighteen thousand people have visited the tomb of Eyang Sentono Renggo in the village of Ngujang on the northern edge of Tulungagung, East Java. They have been looking for a supernatural source of wealth. [in Javanese] SAIKI jamane internet. Masyarakat akeh kang gampang percaya pawarta ngono wae tanpa dilelimbang kanthi wening. Kaya kabar kang anjrah ing masyarakat, yaiku kuburan Ngujang dadi papan kanggo golek pasugihan. Kanggo nyatakake, durung suwe iki penulis merlok...
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by on September 4, 2020
Preserving local wisdom, including the practice of pilgrimage to the tombs of local saints, may be a way of combating religious extremism.  The Indonesian government needs to equip its development policies with a cultural strategy, which can mainstream local wisdom that is rich with the spirit of tolerance, to prevent the rapidly growing intolerance movements, an expert has said. “All this time, the government has never had a cultural strategy, which aims to make its people ready to ...
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by on September 4, 2020
Before losing Jakarta’s 2017 gubernatorial election and being jailed for blasphemy, the former governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) declared the holy tomb of Mbah Priok an international centre of religious pilgrimage. (On Mbah Priok’s tomb see Bandit Saints of Java chapter 6.)   The Jakarta Post, March 5, 2017 Jakarta adds another site to its long list of cultural heritage sites across the city as Mbah Priok memorial site in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, was inaugurated as a cultura...
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