
Gen (The Gene: An Intimate History)
"Oleh karena itu, agaknya kita perlu membaca kembali kisah Gregor Mendel ketika ia mengungkap penemuan yang nantinya menjadi embrio dari kelahiran ilmu genetika. Siddharta Mukherjee menulis kisah itu ...View More
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Gen (The Gene: An Intimate History)
Dalam buku itu, "Gen", Siddhartha Mukherjee mengungkapkan, sejarah genetika sepanjang abad ke-20 telah memberi kita banyak pengetahuan: mulai dari gagasan DNA dan RNA, sifat virus, pembacaan sekuens g...View More
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Siddhartha Mukherjee
In his book, he presents a chronological history, beginning with Pythagoras, of man’s obsessive interest in solving the mystery of heredity. But at the same time, while we are at the cusp of revolutio...View More
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Siddhartha Mukherjee
Bill Gates had a chance to chat with author Siddhartha Mukherjee about his book "The Gene: An Intimate History." Just three minutes, let's listen to their deep conversation. Source: Youtube Channel B...View More
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Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Apa yang membentuk diri, kehidupan, sifat, bahkan nasib manusia? Pencarian selama ribuan tahun menunjukkan adanya unsur pembawa pewarisan sifat antargenerasi makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia. Ternyata ...View More
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