Nat Geo: Teka-teki Kosmik
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  Sinopsis Seiring pesawat ulang-alik menukik, akselerator membelah atom, dan teleskop menangkap sinyal berusia miliaran tahun, pemahaman kita akan alam semesta dan posisi kita di dalamnya senantiasa berubah secara revolusioner. Dalam buku yang memikat ini, Neil deGrasse Tyson mempersembahkan gagasan terbaru dalam astrofisika demi menjawab pertanyaan abadi filsafat: Bagaimana kita sampai di sini? Apakah kita sendirian? Bagaimana kita bisa memperoleh pengetahuan? Berpijak kepada ilmu yang diwarisi dari para pendahulu, dari Erastosthenes hingga Galileo, sembari menjelaskan temuan sains terpenting dan terkini, seperti penemuan eksoplanet dan identifikasi zarah subatomik, dengan kecerdikan dan humornya yang khas Tyson membimbing kita dalam perjalanan yang melanglang dari masa lalu ke masa depan, dari yang renik sampai yang raksasa, dari ujung terdepan sains kita hingga ke hamparan luas yang belum dijelajahi—sambil menyemangati kita untuk terus menengok ke angkasa. Spesifikasi Produk Penulis: Neil deGrasse Tyson Penerjemah: Amin Widyatama Editor: Lindsey N. Walker & Andya Primanda Ilustrator Sampul: James Trefil Ilustrator Isi: Melissa Farris & Sanaa Akkach Pengolah Sampul & Isi: Pinahayu Parvati Kategori: Nonfiksi, Sains, Ensiklopedia, Kosmologi Terbit: 24 Juli 2024 Harga: Rp220.000 Tebal: 299 halaman Ukuran: 170 mm x 248 mm Sampul: Softcover ISBN: 9786231342294 ID KPG: 592402285 Bahasa: Indonesia Usia: 15+ Penerbit: KPG Dapatkan buku cetak di: Gramedia Store KPG Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Store di Tokopedia Buku Terkait       #SeriNationalGeographic #NatGeoTekaTekiKosmik #Nonfiksi #Sains #Kosmologi #Ensiklopedia #NationalGeographic #PenerbitKPG
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Pergulatan Transisi Energi Berkeadilan: Satu Isu Beragam Dilema
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  Sinopsis Kata transisi menyiratkan perubahan yang kalem, perlahan, dan disepakati bersama. Sementara itu, dengan masifnya perubahan yang disyaratkan, transisi dalam konteks energi kerap berujung dengan pergolakan, kerugian, dan kekalahan menyesakkan bagi beberapa pihak.  Menjamin keadilan dalam transisi energi lantas menjadi hal yang penting, sekalipun menantang. Transisi energi, bila berjalan tanpa pengawalan, sangat mungkin hanya akan menjadi siasat baru untuk memproduksi ketimpangan yang sudah banyak terjadi di sektor energi. Wajar belaka, bila kini terjadi juga, narasi transisi energi menjadi sarana para elite menciptakan peluang-peluang eksploitasi baru.  Elite dapat mempersiapkan bisnis sekaligus menyetir kebijakan dan skema nasional untuk merespons tekanan transisi energi global. Dengan demikian menyulapnya—tak jarang secara vulgar—dari ancaman menjadi kesempatan. Keadilan, karenanya, harus selalu dipertimbangkan, diangkat, dan disuarakan di hadapan praktik transisi energi. Toh konsep keadilan dalam transisi energi sudah dielaborasi ke dalam beragam pengertian.  Percakapan tentang transisi energi berkeadilan, karenanya, harus dimulai. Buku Pergulatan Transisi Energi Berkeadilan mencoba menyuguhkan beragam masalah yang dihadapi dalam satu isu: transisi energi. Buku ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi memantik percakapan yang bergulir, baik tentang tantangan, solusi, dan kerangka kerja utuh dalam mewujudkan transisi energi berkeadilan. Spesifikasi Buku Penulis: Geger Riyanto, dkk Ilustrator: Hasbi Ilman, Astro Ruby, Sekarjoget Editor: Alpha Hambally Perancang Sampul: Ellen Halim Penataletak: Leopold Adi Surya Kategori: Nonfiksi, Sosial, Politik Terbit: 3 Juli 2024 Harga: Rp120.000 Tebal: 290 halaman Ukuran: 140 mm x 210 mm Sampul: Softcover ISBN: 9786231342256 ISBN Digital: 9786231342263 ID KPG: 592402281 Usia: 15+ Bahasa: Indonesia Penerbit: KPG Dapatkan buku cetak di: Gramedia Store KPG Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Store di Tokopedia E-book Gramedia Digital Buku Terkait         #PergulatanTransisiEnergiBerkeadilan #GegerRiyanto #Nonfiksi #Sosial #PenerbitKPG
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Mari Pergi Lebih Jauh
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  Sinopsis Fifi ditangkap Kucing-Kucing Luar Biasa. Namun, Ibu Mo dan Ibu Tetangga Sebelah bilang Fifi hanya bayangan cermin yang selalu dibawa Fufu. Fifi sedari awal tidak benar-benar ada. Kucing Luar Biasa hanyalah kucing, kuping yang digoreng krispi sebenarnya jamur kuping, jagung tidak bisa mengendalikan kereta; Mi dan Ma dan Mo hanya bermimpi. Mi dan Ma dan Mo merencanakan sesuatu ketika Bapak dan Ibu Mo meninggalkan Rumah Merah nomor 17 dan mencari uang karena uang di Kota Suara tidak lagi tersimpan di dasar laut, di bawah tanah, atau di ranting pohon.  Mi dan Ma dan Mo harus terlebih dahulu membebaskan Fufu dari Rumah Sakit Jiwa yaitu rumah untuk orang yang jiwanya disakiti, mencari cara lain yang bukan Cara Lain agar bisa mencari keberadaan Fifi. Di sanalah Mi dan Ma dan Mo berjumpa dengan Petronella, tokoh baru yang adalah anak yang sangat pintar.  Bersama Mi dan Ma dan Mo dan Petronella, Mari Pergi Lebih Jauh.  Spesifikasi Produk Penulis & Ilustrator: Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie Pengolah Sampul: Teguh Erdyan Editor: Teguh Afandi Kategori: Fiksi, Novel Terbit: 3 Juli 2024 Harga: Rp109.000 Tebal: 216 halaman Ukuran: 135 mm x 200 mm Sampul: Softcover ISBN: 9786231342324 ID KPG: 592402286 Usia: 15+ Bahasa: Indonesia Penerbit: KPG Dapatkan buku cetak di: Gramedia Store KPG Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Store di Tokopedia Buku Terkait       #MariPergiLebihJauh #ZiggyZezsyazeoviennazabrizkie #Nonfiksi #Novel #PenerbitKPG
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Little Book World Classic: Mortal Immortal
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  Sinopsis “Oh expectation, what a frightful thing art thou, when kindled more by fear than hope!” Mary Shelley, renowned for her groundbreaking novel Frankenstein, also excelled as a short story writer, weaving tales that explore the depths of human emotion and the themes of life, death, and the unknown. Through her concise and evocative storytelling, Shelley captivates readers with her vivid imagination and her ability to infuse ordinary experiences with a sense of wonder and dread. Two of her most important supernatural stories, “The Mortal Immortal” and “Transformation,” are included in this collection, showcasing her mastery of the genre and her enduring literary legacy. Spesifikasi Produk Penulis: Mary Shelley Ilustrator Sampul: Fitriana Hadi Penataletak: Ining Isaiyas Kategori: Fiksi, Kumpulan Cerpen, Sastra Terbit: 26 Juni 2024 Harga: Rp49.000 Tebal: 116 halaman Ukuran: 112 mm x 159 mm Sampul: Softcover ISBN: 9786231342287 ISBN Digital: 9786231342270 ID KPG: 592402284 Usia: 15+ Bahasa: Inggris Penerbit: KPG Dapatkan buku cetak di: Gramedia Store KPG Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Store di Tokopedia E-Book Gramedia Digital Buku Terkait       #LittleBookWorldClassic #TheMortalImmortal #MaryShelley #Fiksi #Sastra #KumpulanCerpen #PenerbitKPG
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Kota Cina Jilid 2
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  Sinopsis From the time of its rediscovery in the early 1970s, the site of Kota Cina, on the shore of the Malacca Strait, in the present province of North Sumatra, Indonesia, appeared as one of the major old settlement sites in the region. This book represents the latest contribution to the accumulation of knowledge on the history of the site between the late eleventh and early fourteenth centuries CE. A first set of eighteen studies offers the main results of the archaeological research programme conducted from 2011 until 2018 by the École française d’Extrême-Orient in cooperation with the Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Indonesia. It includes a contribution on structures, features and stratigraphies; studies devoted to the 227,000 finds uncovered during these excavations (earthenware, Chinese ceramics, glassware, metal, Chinese coins, lithic material, faunal remains, wood, worked organic finds, fruits and seeds), as well as a geomorphological and paleo-environmental contribution. A second set of studies presents the results of other surveys and excavations which shed additional light on the programme that constitutes the core of this book: two contributions devoted to Kota Cina itself, one devoted to the neighbouring site of Bulu Cina, and one devoted to recent excavations in the South Sumatra Province. A third set includes two studies which constitute reappraisals of two corpora (Hindu-Buddhist statuary from Kota Cina, contemporary Chinese written sources) allowing to apprehend the history of relations between Kota Cina in particular, and the Straits of Malacca more generally, with South Asia on the one hand, and China on the other hand, in the light of the most recent knowledge. The concluding chapter draws on all these contributions in an attempt to offer a synthesis of certain aspects related to the occupation of the Kota Cina site: morphology and spatial evolution of the settlement, dwelling features, space occupation, as well as domestic life and religious practices. Within this framework, an essay on the economic and political history of Kota Cina is proposed, from the emergence of the site until its abandonment, including its involvement in overseas trade routes, and hypotheses on its political status. Spesifikasi Buku Penyusun & Editor: Daniel Perret & Heddy Surachman Ilustrator Sampul: Ade Pristie Wisandhani & Wendie Artswenda Penataletak: Diah Novitasari Kategori: Nonfiksi, Erkeologi Terbit: 24 Juli 2024 Harga: Rp Tebal: 266 halaman Ukuran: 135 mm x 200 mm Sampul: Softcover ISBN: 9786231342140 ISBN Digital: 9786231342171 ID KPG: 592402278 Usia: 15+ Bahasa: Inggris Penerbit: KPG bersama Association Archipel, EFEO, dan BRIN Dapatkan buku cetak di: Gramedia Store KPG Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Store di Tokopedia E-book Gramedia Digital Buku Terkait       #KotaCina #DanielPerret #HeddySurachman #Nonfiksi #Arkeologi #PenerbitKPG
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Kota Cina Vol 1
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  Sinopsis From the time of its rediscovery in the early 1970s, the site of Kota Cina, on the shore of the Malacca Strait, in the present province of North Sumatra, Indonesia, appeared as one of the major old settlement sites in the region. This book represents the latest contribution to the accumulation of knowledge on the history of the site between the late eleventh and early fourteenth centuries CE. A first set of eighteen studies offers the main results of the archaeological research programme conducted from 2011 until 2018 by the École française d’Extrême-Orient in cooperation with the Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional Indonesia. It includes a contribution on structures, features and stratigraphies; studies devoted to the 227,000 finds uncovered during these excavations (earthenware, Chinese ceramics, glassware, metal, Chinese coins, lithic material, faunal remains, wood, worked organic finds, fruits and seeds), as well as a geomorphological and paleo-environmental contribution. A second set of studies presents the results of other surveys and excavations which shed additional light on the programme that constitutes the core of this book: two contributions devoted to Kota Cina itself, one devoted to the neighbouring site of Bulu Cina, and one devoted to recent excavations in the South Sumatra Province. A third set includes two studies which constitute reappraisals of two corpora (Hindu-Buddhist statuary from Kota Cina, contemporary Chinese written sources) allowing to apprehend the history of relations between Kota Cina in particular, and the Straits of Malacca more generally, with South Asia on the one hand, and China on the other hand, in the light of the most recent knowledge. The concluding chapter draws on all these contributions in an attempt to offer a synthesis of certain aspects related to the occupation of the Kota Cina site: morphology and spatial evolution of the settlement, dwelling features, space occupation, as well as domestic life and religious practices. Within this framework, an essay on the economic and political history of Kota Cina is proposed, from the emergence of the site until its abandonment, including its involvement in overseas trade routes, and hypotheses on its political status. Spesifikasi Buku Penyusun & Editor: Daniel Perret & Heddy Surachman Ilustrator Sampul: Ade Pristie Wisandhani & Wendie Artswenda Penataletak: Diah Novitasari Kategori: Nonfiksi, Erkeologi Terbit: 24 Juli 2024 Harga: Rp Tebal: 660 halaman Ukuran: 135 mm x 200 mm Sampul: Softcover ISBN: 9786231342133 ISBN Digital: 9786231342164 ID KPG: 592402277 Usia: 15+ Bahasa: Inggris Penerbit: KPG bersama Association Archipel, EFEO, dan BRIN Dapatkan buku cetak di: Gramedia Store KPG Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Shop di Shopee Mall Gramedia Official Store di Tokopedia E-book Gramedia Digital Buku Terkait       #KotaCina #DanielPerret #HeddySurachman #Nonfiksi #Arkeologi #PenerbitKPG
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